The grand-daddy. The original. The innovator. Wolfenstein 3D's legacy will forever live on throughout gaming history.
This title just brings back so many memories. At one point just about everyone who had a pc capable of running it had this game, and so must surely be one of the most played pc titles ever.
The most basic of 3d graphics, the most basic of enemy models, and yet you have end of level bosses, dogs, zombies, soldiers, chain guns, pistols and knives. Despite the limitations hours and hours of time was spent wandering around huge maze levels looking for the many secret rooms stashed with treasures and ammo.
Don't buy this today expecting to be impressed, especially if you are of the ps2 generation, but if you know your gaming history then give it a try and discover where it all began, and you may even just glimpse the genious and innovation that was Wolfenstein 3D all those years ago. It's truly a classic and a masterpiece.