first ever!
but of the "first" 3d shooters in first person. Its a simple game.
pretty easy to beat (wasent when it just came out tho)
the hitler kill(pc version) in slowmo is just crap, but its so crappy that its incredible!
wolf 3d was a revolution...just like ff7,ff10,mario 64 and halo.
just goes to prove any game if well made,well tought of , and well timed.....can be a huge sucess.
now the graphic are pretty kool...knowin the fact it was made in 94(snes)
the soundtrack is seriously old school!
any one can play (hey who dosent wanna kill nazys and mutated nazys and mage nazys) its like an history class......yeah thats right...
but if u never played....its like if u never played mario just have to play this to be a true old school gamer.