The castle of Wolfenstein has no stairs and everything is blue or grey. On the walls you always see the same stuff: giant portraits of Adolf Hitler swastika's and flags...with swastika's. This game made no effort to be political correct. You play as a prisoner in the bowels of the castle. You have to make your way past guards and german shepherds. The sounds and controls are horrible. When you reach the exit you procede to the next blue and grey level and so on. There are secret areas, but you have to press the "open door" button against the walls all the time to find them. The best parts of the game are the levelbosses you sometimes encounter. The first one comes bursting through the door saying "Gutentag" in a awful German kind of way. This was a lot of fun.
Although there is some humor in this game, i recommend not to play it. It is a terrible game, really, you get physically sick playing it.