Do you remember Windows maze screen saver? Imagine it full of nazis, and here you go, it is Wolf3D.
User Rating: 6 | Wolfenstein 3D PC
The very first real and great FPS was Doom. Period. This is a scientific fact. Anything else is just denial of the truth. Doom popularized the FPS genre and no other game. Every (serious) gamer knows that. Every "FPS" game before Doom was just a kind of maze screen saver. Wolf3D belongs to this kind of games. Well made, but still a maze screen saver type. Maybe it made a great impression on some easily impressed pre-school kids. There were not so many FPS in 1992. And all of them were actually crap. Wolf3D was most polished and interesting of them. But still, you know... If you consider it as a first more or less successful attempt to elaborate on the FPS genre, sure, it contained a lot of stuff that was later developed in other games. Then yes, it may be considered as a grandfather (or one of grandfathers) of all FPS games. But as such, this game is not much different from other similar crappy games, like Catacombs and others. No one demands them to be great, the FPS genre was not ready yet at that time. But one should admit that these games were just embryos of FPS games. Maybe some of them deserve a high rating in such category, but we cannot really give a similarly high score to both Doom (which is totally justified) and to Wolf3D (which is likely based just on nostalgic memories). I compare these games because they lie just 1 year apart. But the difference is obvious. They come from different eras. Even Duke3D differs less from Doom than Doom differs from Wolf3D.