remember the days that gaming was about video games and not pseudo-politics/propaganda and stuff?
remember how video games used be just "video games" and not a political head piece? because this is exactly the problem in this game
it picks off from the last game but enormously F**k's things up
gone is the realism of the harsh world war, it's all "inglorious bastards" now but with Antifa characters
meaning that this game deems americans far too nazi to defend their homeland, they give BJ a clear-off victim backstory (he's apparently part-jewish and grew up with a racist good for nothing dad)
cutscenes, there are some insane cutscenes in this game featuring marxist propaganda, and feminist too
there is one where Anna goes completely rambo, takes off her shirt while being covered in blood and shoots nazis while screaming in pain, i don't know who had the "brilliant"idea of masculinizing pregnant woman, but instead of masculinizing her, they just made her really repulsive... (this also happens in the first hour of the game)
story aside, the game is fun, levels are neatly designed and you can stealth your way across the game or just go rambo style
there are cool boss-battles and the weapons are nice to control
if not for the over-abundance of cutscenes it could be a good game
though not for the money, i pirated this because i knew it was short (they told me it's 5 hours, apparently it's 6+ 3 of them is just cutscenes...)
Disclaimer: before i'm slandered as a "nazi sympathizer" i'm a jew and i've lost relatives during the holocaust
but this game doesn't depict american heroes, it depicts american rebels, esp anarchist Blacks and women which completely ruin the immersion of this game (if it even had any immersion in the first place)
this game has ruined wolfenstien for me and bethesda will not see a single shekel from me (esp after how they "enriched" dishonored dindu of the outsider with a gender studies writer
i'm done, SJW's ruined AAA gaming.
avoid this game if you can.