First off, the game is good, I enjoyed it generally and rated it for the fun I had, but I am sorry to say its WAAAAYYYY to short.
The main story line is just too short, collectables are not really fun to look for, you have to search to extremes to find some and there is no real replay value to go back and find them.
Enigma machine codes become available toward the end of the game and should have been sooner to break from the usual main mission as a diversion rather. Also using the same areas is a little lame but I can understand it would be a lot more work to build new levels, still considering the area was shot to shit during your main mission, they should have the place under construction when you go back, make it more immersive.
They bring in side mission and such and try to give you more after the main mission but unless you some completionist its not really a "pull" to want to keep going, I mean half the crew of main characters are missing from the U-Boat (Evas Hammer) Anna is missing, Set, you name it, you are stuck taking order from Grace... -.- for assassination missions....come on... ( I will come back to this point)
Performance is fine, game runs well and looks good, the first version was buggy but should be sorted now and there is a bit of DLC that has come in but its not really awesome and I find it less interesting to relate to the 3 other "heroes" than old BJ. Plus the DLC is VERY short also.
Then coming to a point I have already raised on another thread I commented on but will again here, I personally feel the developers were pushing some angle of political correct bullshit, I have no problem with grace being black but it just feels strange to rescue a group who are only black...then this strange woman that no one knows, save for notes from a dead crew member that dies early on in the games diary, who is a leader of some resistance group in the USA, comes in and takes over on the U-Boat...just assumes leadership? The "bad guy" is a bad woman (but sure this one we saw coming) Anna has a sociopath or psycho moment at the end of the game when she dives BJ out of the way to "save" him, pops a grenade on some baddies all while ripping her shirt off, showing off her preggo body and tits while being drenched in blood all while straddling our hero...yeah funny but in retrospect I do feel there was some point being made or pushed and that is that woman are not weak, woman and especially black woman can lead and be in positions of power, can save a man...even though the whole blood bathing thing was weird...
There are other examples in the game, the fat Nazi woman who joins the resistance eventually also gets "lucky", stands up for herself and make a difference, become integral part of the "team" also BJs childhood memories where he has a child love interest with a black girl...its all a little too me a conspiracy theorist but anyway. I'd prefer developers keep a game like this more like its predecessors and go make a new game with no boundaries, gay heroes etc than try and force some agenda in a game thats got its base story...or setting. I mean if woman are so powerful and as equal in the game why didnt the devs have some grunt females we could murder in the game? Just a thought...
Other than that, its a solid game, was fun but too damn short.
Above are my opinions, its not meant to offend but merely point out something I noticed. Agree or don't its a free world ;)