Call of wolfenstein, that's the real name!

User Rating: 3 | Wolfenstein: The New Order PC

I want start my review with one Question:

1- Why IDsoftware, the father of the series, left this project to........machine games?

Before answer this question i want to remember to you a thing:

When we talk of "ID SOFTWARE'S GAME" our imagination run with 3 points:

First: As id software's game i expected a shooter with a cruel atmosphere, the story are simpled and all goes around a sadic monster who leads everything with a large number of stupid but aggressive minions.

Second: You are a common soldier who is in a wrong place in a wrong time, you have a pistol that his firestop is weaker than your punches ("armor? we have no money for a loser like you!). Your only salvation is you and your sense, strafejump, good aiming, good viewlook are the only way to save yourself.

Third: look!! a monster/alien/Nazi is walking, he's got a interesting weapon and he has a key....killed, now you have a key and a weapon where i go? My HUD still working lets look the map, uh... is a labirint! I need to seek every corner to find a wayout!

This Is what i expected by The New Order....BUT

First: The story starts as a typical call of duty: I'm in a war zone, no wait i'm in a plane who crashs in a war zone, i escape (10 minutes to exit to a plane) i got my Tommy gun, i kill nazi troops, found sensible datas and BOOOOOM!!! What the....... i'm wounded!

Cutscene: i fell asleep, 20 years ha passed, i wake up in a......asylum? Nazi wants me and my friend of bed dead, reason we must die (wow how tension!), i kill one of them, steal the weapon and go out side.

One question: I know this a prologue, but damn! 20/30 minutes to explain that i'm a retard that can't avoid a cannon ball???? I prefered a long movie-like summary than a CoD's rip-off!

Second: Gameplay, who has said to Machine games that hybrid formula is a winning, NO IS A BAD IDEA!

You can't made a gameplay that mix the old school FPS's features with modern shooter's features: you can carry all the weapons, refill your life with medikit, catch armor, but if they hit you, the screen become red (like COD), if you hide behind a corner you are fully protected (like CoD), the 100% armor is a way to absorb more than one or two hits but if they hit in you head with a sniper or they hit you with a melee attack or a shotgun, you're dead (like CoD)...WHY!!!!!!!!!???????

I't obviously that old school fans like me hated the modern FPS's Features and Modern players hated the features like carry all the weapons, akimbo combination or destory the box to found supplies or pickups. The only result: all are unsatisfacted!

Third: Too Scripted events!

There too many Scripted events similar to a Call of Duty game: Useless moments that you pass from point A to poin B without do nothing, simply walk from submarine to secret base, or talk with people/rebel and then, Turret shooting (prologue and in the middle of game) and, just for change, the typical shooting habits: hide behind a corner and shoot, hide behind a corner and shoot, hide behind a corner and shoot.............................No Labirint-like map, no secret rooms, nothing!

Fourth: The Finale!

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After killing the last sub boss in one of the shortest fight of all videogames ever ( simply avoid his bullet for 30 second then throw a EMP bomb againts him) it start the last boss....wait, where is Hitler? Who the hell is Deadhead? Ok, no time to explain, after defeat him ( it was a great fight.) I take my Knife and stab him in order to avenge my dead friend, then Deadhead showoff a bomb and blow up himself...whitescreen, i'm wounded, outside rebels are still fighting and probably i'm dying....END OF GAME!

Seriuosly? All enought??I was died for nothing? I simply killed a Nazi general and nothing has changed!???War is not over???

Why the hell i fought then??

In a nutshell: This game could entertain, is more fun than the last FpS games, it looks like an 6th generation FPS, but this is a problem:

IT'S NOT A WOLFENSTEIN, is a fun Shooter, but not a great shooter Like the 2004's game Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is an insult of that 1993 Wolfenstein 3d and isn't tactical like Enemy territory: Wolfenstein.