An edgy piece of historical fiction accompanied by a shooting gallery.

User Rating: 6 | Wolfenstein: The New Order PC

Wolfenstein: The New Order is a beautiful mess of a game. The premise of the game revolves around B.J. Blazkowicz, an American solider who seeks revenge on the Nazis after their victory of WW2 in an alternate setting. But why is it a mess you ask?

First off Wolfenstein: The New Order, couldn't just pick a theme and run with it, instead we get an assortment of things just thrown together into the grand plot of The New Order. Is it romantic? Sparsely. Is it action-packed? Uh sometimes. Is it dark? Sort of. If anything, the events in the game rotate around the mood so much it's perplexing exactly what type of story they are trying to tell you. But one thing is certain, the dark gritty side of the New Order is so good they should have just made the whole story like that. Buuuut, they didn't.

That being said it's not like the game doesn't have it's moments. The setting and plot is still the biggest pull for The New Order. It kept me interested for the most part.

The gameplay though is nothing to call home about. Generic FPS shooting-gallery style gameplay. Like CoD. Not alot weapon choice, not alot of enemy variety, no multiplayer. Some of the enemies are total sponges as well.

If you're interested in a story-focused game and edgy piece of fiction this might be right for you. If you are looking for original or compelling gameplay I would steer clear of this one. Thanks for reading.