Very nice . we see collection of all good actions and thems of other games in this games.

User Rating: 9 | Wolfenstein PC
Very good. we see collection of all good actions and thems of other games in this games. seem like a packasge of F.E.A.R.2 . + returen to castle wolfenstine + call of duty ( world at war ) + freedom fighters .

So very good game . I recomend it for you . in game you have good shoting and good gons . soliders kiled in perfect mode .

Game have a few weaknes in grafic.we living in 2009 and we want more grafics in games . experience in games world can see us that we have high grafice with minimum system usage . seem like SYBERIA 2 .

I want game providers to thinking about nice games . they can provide nice games that used minumum VGA.RAM & etc .Only must use ART in games .

Art in games far views or decors and etc . in sample far views in assassins creed .

ok . enjoy of game. Bye