A gripping and fast paced campaign and multiplayer are what make Wolfenstein really worth playing.
The graphics,oh the graphics,are pretty under whelming.They aren't the best,but the stay up to par with most shooters.The frame rate can drop every now and then,and some times textures will come in a little late on NPC models.The level design though,is great.The game does get particle effects down with great ease,and there is a very vivid color pallet.The visuals just aren't the best aspect,but they get the job done.
The sound presentation is well done.Weapons sound appropriately deadly,and the sound track fits the atmosphere just as well.The presentation for Wolfenstein fits the bill to be honest.
FPS now a days don't do to much to change the genre,or should I say add anything new to it,but Wolfenstein does the impossible,it's different!What makes it different you ask?Well what makes it different is the appearance of powers.These powers allow to slow down time,use a shield,or even increase your weapons damage.Plus standard WW2 FPS styles of game play.The whole game is really action packed,and an extreme joy to play.
The multiplayer in Wolfenstein is extremely fun.Everything from the single player campaign transfers fluidly into the multiplayer with ease.The multiplayer runs off a class based system where you can either be a Soldier,Medic,or Engineer.Each have their attributes,and cons.The multiplayer is fast paced,enjoyable,and is filled with your normal game play modes A.K.A team death match,death match,objective,and stop watch(Basically Objective with a timer).
Whats bad?Well the game is full of a bit to much gore for my taste,and really that is the only problem I had.
Final Verdict: Wolfenstein is an action pack,fast paced,and down right fun FPS.It is truly a blast to play.A definite buy for anybody who appreciates something different in the FPS genre.