Wolfenstein: Average FPS or Fan service or Set up for failure or Rent don't buy. Any way you look it it, it disappoints
This game is... not. I mean, id's graphics engine just looks poor next to the CoD4 engine or Epic's Unreal Engine. Yes, the veil graphics are great looking, and I digged the creatures of that other dimension that lies just below ours... but non veil graphics have simple texturing and just look bland. Also, I dare you to hit the sprint button or just look down then up then down -- the background moves so much it's like I'm going to get motion sickness. I know this was intentional in running (RTCW was the same), but the background SHOULD NOT MOVE that much.
Two thirds of the way through the game I just wanted it over. Wanted it beaten so that I didn't have to play anymore. For comparison's sake, CoD4 & WaW had me hoping there were more story left to play, even to the very end.
This is, indeed, an average FPS. Too bad, I had REALLY high expectations for it. Because it didn't live up to them, it's going to be one of the very, very few play-quick-and-trade-in-quicker games I have ever bought.
Not a keeper, this one.