This game did not live up to the hype.
The first couple of hours are pretty bland + boring and the game only picks up past the halfway mark.. a good game is supposed to grab the player and suck them in from the start, not make them wonder when the more interesting fights and missions and content starts happening.
The plot is, unfortunately, a joke. The protagonist is not involving at all, and none of the characters make you care for them. The various groups in the game such as the Golden Dawn are so two-dimensional it's hard to be interested in what they have to say to you.
The graphics are only passable (in that they at least do not make you cringe, although there's a decent amount of ugly/poorly mapped textures.
I am actually *somewhat* enjoying the later levels (currently in the castle) but they constantly make me wish the rest of the game was more interesting. The level variety is pretty much the only thing that kept me going, although the same can't really be said for the actual level design in the first half of the game. Running through the same freaking town in different directions 1298387 times was not fun.
What else did I not like about the game? Hmm.. AI behavior ranges from passable to atrocious. Stupid instant travel to the start of a mission (Arrive at castle instantly after hopping on truck..or arrive somewhere totally unrelated instantly after walking through a door.) Enemies will glitch out occasionally, as will your allies. Speaking of your allies, they are as useful as sacks of potatoes. Looking for gold and treasure was only interesting for the first 30 minutes of the game. The Veil is overused to the point where you could be running in it the whole time. The enemies don't have much variety, and many of them look the same. And last but not least, the game is way, way too easy. On the hardest (out of 4!) difficulty modes, it does not feel challenging in the least.
The only upsides - the combat is satisfactory (though repetitive), the Veil is pretty cool (though overused), and the boss fights are original (though very few and far between).