id & Raven Software have made a very good sequel in this series; if only they'd left out some of the FPS cliche's.

User Rating: 8 | Wolfenstein PC
Wolfenstein '09……….BJ is back; still killin' Nazis and other worldly creatures (sometimes the two being the same!). id Software has farmed W out to Raven Software, purveyors of such family orientated gaming fare as the first two Soldier of Fortune Games and Quake 4 (amongst others).

Graphics-the aging Havok engine looks good in W, but it's no longer up to snuff with newer engines like Cry 2 and Dunia.

Sound-good ambient sound, very good weapon sounds, the voice acting is certainly competent, but I, like many, would have preferred our Germans to speak their native tongue in a subtitled fashion, rather than the bad German accented English they are speaking. That's a nit pick though.

Gameplay-excellent! I really enjoyed the numerous firefights with those pesky Nazis, and their occultic minions and allies. And, it's very reminiscent of Raven's previously mentioned SOF titles. Same style of enemy AI, very similar fire fights, lots of gore, severed limbs, screaming victims, etc. One new wrinkle in this area, is your limited ability to pass back and forth from three core/hub town maps into various other mission maps. Not quite as extensive as Far Cry 2, but nice nonetheless; I'd like to see this feature in more games as it adds a sense of immersion and realism for me. The firearm weapons are what you'd expect for a Nazi based WWII themed shooter, and the sci fi occult weapons are good and enjoyable with a single exception. You're aided by the possession of a mysterious and powerful Thule Amulet with a number of offensive and defensive powers. A large part of the game plot revolves around this amulet and it's powers, so get to know it and use it. There are gold (for buying weapon and amulet upgrades), intel tid bits (to unlock those weapon upgrades so you can buy them with your gold), and hidden Tomes (to unlock those amulet powers) for you to find and recover. There are lot's of ammo pick ups; though I'd like to see game Devs rely on more logical plot devices for restocking your ammo in game, i.e. raiding the armory/arms locker etc as opposed to finding it in breakable containers or just sitting their in some corner or on a desk/bench. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.

The weakest part of W, is it's reliance on the time honored, clichéd , and thoroughly tired level ending mechanism of "The Boss". Take any traditional run 'n gun shooter from the last 10 or 12 years, and you'll know what "The Boss" is like in W. Lot's of runnin' and dodgin', blowin' off tons of ammo, striving to maintain your health, shooting out power nodes, aiming for soft points on "The Boss", yahta, yahta, yahta. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT. Devs across the planet really need to consider implementing newer, different level ending plot devices. "The Boss" has been overdone for far to long.

In the end………….W is a worthy and well done successor to those that have gone before it!