Wolenstien, at the beginging showed a bit of promise, but after the opening sequence everything went to hell.
The opening sequence to the game was as to be expected, you get dumped into a fight sequence with Nazi's with minimal "how to" and your off and rolling. The first thing that I noticed was just how lax the graphics were. Features and textures just seemed to blend. Nothing really stood out to me. The second thing that I noticed was the computers AI. This AI is horrible. Enemies show little to no movement and use cover only if they seem to be scripted to by the designers.
Your weapons arsenal shows nothing new. As usual you have your standard assortment of machine guns and rifles and than later in the game you get the supposed cream of the crop weapons that run on the Nazi's new found energy source. All in all they all seemed pretty blane, none of them showing anything spectacular or giving me that wow factor like the BFG did from Doom.
Lastly, the story line, or lack there of, just seemed to exist. I never found myself caught up in it or even really thinking about it. All the levels seemed to just be a Nazi shooting gallery with sporadic dialog sprinkled in.
If you like shooting Nazi's than this game is a must but in the end if you just want a quality FPS than I would stay away.