Great game to play with friends!
The game I play is Words With Friends by Zynga. The app has an easy to use interface and is compatible with many devices. Friends can play on their iPhones, iPads, directly through Facebook, and all other smart phones. Although the basis of the game has been around since scrabble was invented, the newly updated graphics and more aesthetically pleasing colors and fonts make for a better overall gaming experience! I mainly play this game on my iPhone and absolutely love that it sends me push notifications to alert me when it is my turn. I also enjoy the other features included such as "nudging" or reminding a friend to go after several days of inactivity on their side.
Because there are two versions of this game (the free and full edition) it has found its way on many people's mobile devices no matter their financial situation. I have the free version, and, even though there are ads, they only show up at the end of your turn and are able to be skipped right away.
Above all of the features of this game, I would have to rate the user interface as number one in my book. Game play is fun because the spaces are organized by colored squares. These blocks are slightly beveled to achieve a soft 3 Dimensionality. When the users want to play a word, all they have to do is simply drag and drop the letters onto the playing board. They drop in very precisely and are accompanied with a simple and subtle, bubble-like sound.
If the user cannot think of a word to play right away there is a variety of choices he or she can make.
These choices are the organized in a logical manner and denoted through the use of icons.
They are able to:
"Pass" (skip their turn)
"shuffle" (mix up the letter on their tile rack)
"Swap" (change tiles for others not used yet)
When the user clicks on any of these choices, they will experience more fun sounds and animation!
Whether you are playing someone you know or a brand new friend you've just met, this app comes standard with a messaging option for use as a comment / chat section.
This app will have you challenging yourself to increase your score by learning new words , and figuring out different game tactics to defend the board.
It sounds a little cliche, but I really do continue to get better and increase my vocabulary each time I play!
This game is definitely worth checking out, whether you are into word games or not!