Would be quite a great offline poker game, but lack of quality removes most interest in it.
But being myself a professional software developer, I just cannot forgive the presence of a bug like the one that several game owners have reported. I just experienced it myself after a few hours of playing.
The bug? If you play large tourneys (> 200 players) you'll have a crash before completing the tournament . Minimal QA tests would have catch that before RTM.
In the realm of software development, if you can reproduce a bug, you can fix it.
Since this problem is also present on platforms such as PS2, it makes it even easier to reproduce and fix (no need to figure out a particular hardware config).
This bug alone removes most incentive to play the career mode.
If there was a rating for the game developers, I would give them a big zero.
WCP2 is still playable, as long as you avoid large tournaments, and because of that, I will probably play from time to time, but I would not recommend buying the game, until you see a downloadable patch for that easy-to-diagnose (and therefore, fix) bug.