great game

User Rating: 9.2 | World Championship Poker 2: Featuring Howard Lederer PSP
EDITED added some

i had this game on for less than 30 min and it crashed twice once online and once in single player. it has lag in single player i was playing and it pauses in lag and for 10 sec siclence and no movement. i like poker but this makes poker suck jesus i hate this after this i am going to return it.i hate this it ruins poker i hate this it sucks i am going to hunt down the developers a nd spam there inbox and this ame sucks so much that they should pay me to use it i hate this more random hate fore this game it arrgh it is a piece of shi* arghhhh IT SUCKS

added stuff>
i returned it annd turns out it was the disk so as a matter of fact its quite good. it has great game play and i was wrong on my judgement with the other disk great gameplay the online adds a lot and the charecther creataition and the abbilty to make a pad is cool but the lag is bad but tolerabile.