Should have been better
User Rating: 5.1 | World Championship Poker XBOX
I can into playing this game with small expectations . Those were not even met. I still play this game months after I got it , but it could have been so much better. I am a huge poker fan. I have been playing poker preatty much all my life and this title i was really looking forward to. The one player game needs work . It was WAY to easy to bluff with nothing and win huge pots even with the cpu AI all the way up. They also would stay in hands , not bluff just call my bets, with nothing. Anyone with any poker skill will quickly get bored with the one play game. I was also let down by the create- a- player. While there are a lot of options for the face there seemed to be only a few for the body. The graffics on this game are kind of sad. Dont get me wrong i understand its just a card game. So wouldnt you think the CARDS would look decent? Not here. The environments are boring , the dealers dont move , the models are decent at best. I think a good looking card game would be easy to do. Ok so everyone is shelling out there 20 bucks to get online and play this baby , right? Sadly a lack of polish and attention to detail make online gaming a bore also. For one you never lose money . You can just exit out and reload when you lose, save when you win. Therefor there are a ton of people that just glitched there money into the billions. Another thing that is unexcusable is the fact that games that a full/ already started stay on the optimatch for way too long. Half the time you are looking for a sit and go and not even playing. Sit and go's are a fun addition to the game. They are like 6 player mini tourneys. Once you find one though another problem arises . If the server gets beat and decides to leave the game 8 out of 10 times the server crashes. And you still lose the money you put up for the tourney. Not that it matters as you can just go reload. When all is said and done I have some fun playing this game because I am a poker addict. But everytime i play it i just sit and think , will someone please give me a great poker game for xbox live?