One of the worst Poker games ever.
User Rating: 5.3 | World Championship Poker: Deluxe Series DS
WCP is one of the worst games i have ever played. You wander around a city going into varous casinos to play in poker tournaments to become the poker champ. Already a very weak premise but you shoudnt really expect plot from a poker game. But problems bog it down from the start. Once in a casino you sit down at whatever game strikes your fancy and start playing against several bots. The first problem is right there. There are only about 9 character models for bots. This takes away all sense of realism from the game.An example is if your in a tournament and you beat Bill, Granny, and Joe in round one you probaly going to face one of them again in the next round. Another problem with the bots is that they will say the same things over and over again at random times and when it doesnt make sence(In one game all the players folded and it showed his face down cards on the screen and the bot said "read em and weep".....that makes sense). The different types of poker made a good transition to the DS and the touch pad works well for selecting cards, placing bets ect. The most infuriation thing about the game for me was the music. There is different music for each casino but the same few bars of music on an endless loop gets on your nerves. When walking around in the casino the top screen shows you what you are looking at in a very poorly animated 3D world.The bottom screen is a map.They could have thought of at least one use for the touch screen instead of a map. The Multiplayer plays just like the game, but why would you play virtual poker with your freinds instead of real poker? In the end, if you play poker for money online or at casinos or with freinds buy this just for some practice, If you dont play for money dont buy it. Ther are much better poker sims out there.