Thank you SNK keep em comin
User Rating: 8 | World Heroes Gorgeous (NeoGeo Online Collection Vol. 9) PS2
I am so glad that SNK is trying to release all of my old favs. this is no marvel vs capcom but it is a good fighter for its time. and i hope people out there look at it that way. i wish they would add online support so i can fight other people because thats what it's all about. i can't find enough people that enjoy 2d fighters out there. all i have to say is that 2d fighters will always be my favorite genre and i hope to see more classics come out like this one. they should have added more content and gave 16:9 support to keep it currant but you can't win em all. you will only like this game if you played it in the arcade when you where a kid. new comers will not appreciate it unless you really love 2d fighters . this game gets much love from me because i fit both categories. thank you snk for keeping it real. but next time it wouldn't hurt to XplayX Give more!