World in Conflict is simply the best RTS I have ever played!
Lag - ?/10: The lag really depends on how good your Internet connection and computer is. You probably will start to lag a bit if a Nuke hits you and you hafven't got the best of computers but it would all be over soon!
Audio – 9/10: Wooh! The Audio is amazing on this game! the sounds of bombs falling onto your enemies and the sound of missiles being launched from Air units are simply top-notch!
Gameplay – 9.5/10: The gameplay to this spectacular game is brilliant! You must think hard but yet quickly to really help you team out by countering your enemies plans and the TA points give you some amazing weapons such as Nukes, Daisy Cutter Bombs and Tank Busters! The battling side of this game is very easy once you get around 10 minutes of practice!
Community – ?/10: The Community is pretty good and depends of your teammates and if they have VIOP or not so this is pretty much unknown...
Pricing - 10/10: The price I got this game for was £5 at PC World and there was only one left so I grabbed it off the shelf IMMEDIATELY! When I got home, I played this game for 5 hours straight! It was amazing! I'm not sure if they'll make World in Conflict 2 but I seriously doubt it!
OVERALL – 9.5/10: World in Conflict is definately worth playing even if you have had trouble with other RTS games in the market before and I believe 95% that you will enjoy this game!