Although not a traditional RTS in the true sence it is a truely great game the Devs should be proud of..

User Rating: 9.5 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
Having followed this game from I think it was last years E3 maybe bore that(cant remember now :) ), and played closed & open beta I think the developers have put a lot of effort into the game, and tried to respond to the feedback they where given. With stunning visuals and graphics this games runs like a dream.That being said people looking for a traditional base building RTS will not find it here, but if you go into it with an open mind you will find it an intence game packed full of strategic and tactical elements. The multiplayer part of the game is very team-focus and as most of the units have a kind of rock-paper-sissors effect going on,I would advise to try and least work with your team or better still join a clan as playing against players that work together is and uphill battle and can turn you off the game. The singleplayer storyline is also very well put to gether and a joy to play.
Overall a quality game