Gets boring very fast....

User Rating: 7 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
It seems today that reviews are becoming less trustworthy than they used to be, maybe i'm becoming a bitter old gamer sick of all the new shallower crap compared to what it used to be. However the general feel of gaming today is make it fast and stupid with lots of explosions and it'll attract sales. This makes for great eye candy but it doesn't make for great gameplay and while it'll keep the reviewers happy who lets be honest arn't hardcore gamers and they only play them for 5 mins then decide to review them without playing through the troubles.

WiC isn't your normaly RTS of base building but you just call in reinforcements and the more you kill the enemy the more points you get to spend on reinforcements. While i love developers trying out new things, it just doesn't work out too well in the long term of things. I had fun on WIC multiplayer for about a hour or two and then decided it's just gotten boring and i have no desire to play it again. It feels like less about strategy and more about fast paced action, all i have to say is this isn't a FPS it's a RTS, it's not all about eye candy.

The problem with the reinforcement system is the fact that it's all preset for youa nd theres no strat in base building or anything like that, it's all preset for you with no options to customize or micromanage, you just call it in and send it into action and rinse and repeat. while watching the battles was great for a couple hours, after that i wasn't having fun anymore.

The single player is the worst point about the game though because it's soo scripted and doesn't allow for any strat. You'll just follow preset paths backed up by friendly's that even on hard setting you wont struggle to win the battles. It's quite annoying because i want to do things my way and work out the best ways to do things, insetad i'm being told by the computer of what to do. It's all just too scripted like COD2 and doesn't suit the RTS.

The graphics are all top notch though a little generic and performance is great. I'm impressed that they added in features like dual screen monitor and window mode into the menus which most pc games don't bother with anymore for some reason. The menus were all great and it felt like a PC game and not a game going to be ported to console or just rushed. The sounds are all good although the voice acting could have been less cheesy lol....

So all in all WiC is a good game for about the length of a FPS but it wont last as long as other RTS games online and the single player isn't even worth looking at. It's quite a shallow game that seems to be all about eye candy rather than gameplay and i wouldn't reccomend it over other RTS games.