Tired of the same old same RTS games? this game is for you

User Rating: 10 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
wow, i know thers some people that doesn't seem to like this game, they even hate it, i guess they were waiting for something, like command and conquer gampley, i think is a very god strategy game, at last something new, well compiled, and with aswesome graphics, the multiplayer is quite something, team balance is just great, want nukes, artillery, big bombs, well you are in the right game, when you start a game you gain command points, each time you repair or kill an enemy unit, u get ponits, to call for tactical aid, you can request, tanks, transport, a-10 support, Air fuel bomb, anti air attack, and many many more. There are 3 multiplayer modes, (AS,DO,TW)
AS: assault maps, attack your oponents, capture the strategy points, and at the end of the round, roles will switch and it's time to set some defense.
DO: domination, this is something like KING OF THE HILL, you must capture and hold as many control points as posible, until you dominate your enemy.
TW: Tug of war: u must hold and attack a front line on the battlefied, if you lost the line you will have less territory and eventually be destroyed by the enemy.

Interface: at the begining you will be lost, but after a while you will find that the ingame interface is great, smooth and very usefull, and last but not less important good looking.

Performance: This is a hungry hardware game if you wish to turn all eye candy on, but is very friendly to mid range computers, is posible to set graphics to medium, and still have an enjoyable experience, so many graphics options may confuse some users, thanks god theres alot of performance guides over the internet. there are some issue regarding nvidia card drivers, if i recall correctly there a big porblem with the 8800GTS 320mb, we just have to wait for a new driver relase from nvidia.