Save Seattle, save the world!

User Rating: 9.5 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
When I heard Alec Baldwin was doing the voice over for this game I figured he was just hard up for money. 20 minutes after playing it I realized he probably jumped on it because of the fantastic storyline.

Graphics - Spectacular detail on every aspect of the game from character, to landscape, and even physics. I ran this game maxed out at 1920X1080 and it crashed twice the entire game.

Gameplay - I am not an expert at using hot keys and this is a game that definitely benefits from the use of multiple hot key setups. This is the only part of the game where I wish that the interface was a little more user friendly for non hardcore RTS people. The ability to pause and take your time just didnt exist. I know, I know, that was the purpose of the game...make quick decision like real life...but still, I found myself a little flustered at times with so many things going on at once. But again...thats just me.

Storyline - Nothing I can say but, wow...the use of cut scenes that didnt need to focus on flashing distracting graphics but just a single picture was fantastic. I was able to sit back and take in the game and absorb the storyline. Voice acting was great, characters believable, etc.

Overall - A must have for RTS fans and a game that has definitely risen the standards for games to come