A damn good RTS that revolutionizes the catagory
User Rating: 9.5 | World in Conflict (Collector's Edition) PC
I went to future shop to buy gears of war, but they had this on sale for 20$, so i bought it instead, no really knowing what i was doing. i'm glad i made that choice, because this is easily the funnest rts i've ever played. the story is decent, as are the graphics, and the game play is revolutionary for a rts. let me expand on that. first off, the controls are amazing. you use the stanard FPS controls, wsad, to move the camara about the map, and the mouse to look around, up and down. they are easy to learn, and spoil you quickly. recently i tried playing a company of heroes skirmish, and the controls were so crude and alien in comparison that i had to quite almost immidiatly. also, base building is a thing of the past in this game. I usually don't play RTS's because you have to worry about like 5 things at once. in this game, you get a certain number of rienforcement points and you simply fly in you units. if they die, you gradually get them back and you then fly in more. but units are only part of this game. half of the battles are fought with artillery and fire support. the fire support is great, made better by the spectacular explosion. in some missions you will have unlimited fire support, and you will have literally 5 or 6 different types of artillery and whatnot on the go at the same time. watch your frame rate fall into the singe digits as the sh*t hits the fan. the multiplayer and skirmishes are fun aswell, and don't take up as much time as most rts games. overall, i reccomend this game to anyone, rts fan or not, i garentee you that you will enjoy it.