Playing with Goo balls was never this much FUN!
The game has a heavy emphasis on Physics. It revolves around building a structure of goos from one point to the other by attaching one ball of goo to the other until the series reaches to a pipe which sucks all the remaining goo balls. Each level has a minimum level of goo balls to be collected which keeps the fun element of the game intact. The game starts off slowly but picks up later. The game has a story mode which is divided into 5 chapters. Each chapter has a particular theme and the levels in the chapters are designed according to that theme. The story progresses as you complete the chapters by finishing the levels of that particular chapter. As you progress in the game you come across different types of goo balls which have different functions. It is up to you to exploit their distinct uses to finish the level. And apart from just finishing the levels you can also try to complete the OCD (Obsessive Completion Disorder) challenge associated with each level. OCD challenges are fun and usually involve collecting a particular number of Goo balls or finishing the level in fewer moves or lesser time. Apart from the five chapters there is also a meta-game called as World of Goo Corporation wherein you try to build a tower of goo as high as possible with all the Goo balls you have accumulated over all the levels. Here you can compete with other players online to see who builds the tallest tower and collects the most number of goo balls. Stats are updated constantly on the 2D Boy server.
The graphics of the game are decent. The music is good too and it is all done using open source software. But what makes this game stand apart is its physics and how this game is packaged into its funny story.