World of Warcraft has massing players every day, and I fail to realize why this was called the king of MMORPGs.

User Rating: 7.7 | World of Warcraft PC
World of Warcraft has been noted as many things through its duration on the market. We've seen the King of MMORPGs, the "best out there", and "World of Warcrack". Does the title live up to these promises? Well, yes and no. For me, Warcraft was just that - a decent pick-me-up with a wide array of features, but so little soul that I couldn't remain addicted for a little more than a month. Your faith here will be determined on your style, and whether or not you want to raid, raid, raid at higher levels at a constant level, all though the night. In the game, there are many races. Out of these, only eight are available (Ten, if you count the expansion's extending this). Such other races - the trolls, orcs, Forsaken and tauren, respectively - build up the base of the Horde. The political and physical enemy of the Horde, the remainders of the Alliance, are aligned with dwarves, humans, gnomes and night elves. Customization in this game was another disappointing standout for me. You can address, mostly, your character's skin tone, hair style, facial hair, and if you're a special race like the tauren and undead, horn size and other features, like a slanted jaw or no jaw at all. Overall, when you're new and aren't overlapped with but the lowliest equipment, similar races can have the tendency to feel the same. This is mainly attended to at higher levels, when you accomplish more intense armour and weapon lines. Still, I felt like this area of the game was missing the potential it could have had. Perhaps, if it lined Everquest's great character system and leaned toward height, body fat, ears, chin, eye color, eyebrow position, pupil position, highlights and a multitude of other small details, it would be more enveloping. You can rotate your choice of character 360-degrees to view it for your own pleasure and amusement, giving you the power to view over side angles, back angles, and front angles. This can be an asset if you want to see the full effect of who you're picking as a citizen of the ripe world of Azeroth. For all the races, however, they share a common starting point. You begin your humble journeys in a small portion of land and village space that ants the capital city of your heritage, where the fun really heats up. To find your foothold in this award-winning universe, you'll have to help the village with standard "kill this type of beast and bring me some of their loot to help empty the land". In the human's case, you're introduced to the kobold and Defias, while tauren begin with plainstrider meat and feathers to collect. It's a rather simple process, and brings light to your path to your city. By then, you should have reached level 8 or 10, and are now equipped and prepared to fight back even harder species of foe. There are also classes, too. Note that races can be limited to classes, but all can be warriors. For instance, tauren cannot be rogues as dwarves cannot tap into the demonic career of a warlock. Faction-specific classes, the paladins and shamans, are exclusive to the humans and dwarves and the trolls, orcs and tauren. Each class ensures a unique experience, a contrast to the rest. Paladins and warlocks are granted free mounts, the Charger and the Felsteed, via a quest when they come of level. Hunters can only truly master pets and befriend them, while warlocks can only summon players from every chasm of the world. Mages can only teleport themselves and their friends to distant lands, and so on. In Warcraft, you will also find instances. Some examples of these are the Deadmines, the Stockades, Scarlet Monestary, Gnomeragen, Razorfen Kraul, Blackfathom Deeps, and more. In an instance, a version of whatever instance you are choosing is generated for you and your party. There is a wide span of looting options to tailor to the leader's needs, and also a special channel for members of said group. Most quests bring you to these instances to kill important figures and harvest their head, though you can also come for fun purposes. Instances are also TeamSpeak accessible. As you come into the higher levels, you'll also have dungeon raids, like the Brood mother Onyxia and more. These are more challenging, and more rewarding. More high-level and climatic quests direct you to these, like the special Onyxia line at sixty. Let's also not forget the quests. Spanning in high numbers in Warcraft, these quests consist primarily of "kill a certain number of monster", "inspect goings-on", "escort someone important to a specific land point", and so on. Quests you can obtain at your level are noted as a yellow exclamation mark, and quests you can not do at your level are noted as a white exclamation mark. Upon accepting the quest, the exclamation point turns into a white question mark, and yellow when you have completed your mission's objective and can come back to claim your reward. Graphics - The graphics in this game are witty and cartoony. They are low-pixel counted, and can sometimes be blotched and a little unattractive. At other points in history, however, they can be fun and fit the pace just right - it all really depends, as I said before. Making up for its low-poly, you will find a living, breathing world, decently rich and attentive in detail and imagination, all at a moderate degree. Landscapes are different each time, like Elwynn entering into the Burning Steppes, and you can really feel when the scenery darkens and peels into a new land. What's the same about all this defined beauty, however, is the same models in most inns and buildings, just with different decoration. Sound - In World or Warcraft, you will find a score worth cranking the volume to. Everything just does a good job attending to the mood and birthing a sound that lives with whatever landscape you're adventuring into. What lowered its score, though, is how similar it can be sometimes. Value - The value all depends on what you make of the game. There's an overwhelming world to explore, but for me, the freshness of it all got too old, too fast. If you enjoy raiding and want to participate in guild-life, killing monsters all the while, then this is the game for you. If you want an intense, attractive MMORPG a little more centered on PvP, then you'd be better off with something more attentive to that style, like Guild Wars. Tilt - The tilt of this game is easy and functionable. The interface is friendly enough to help develop your understanding, and movement is controlled by the arrow keys. Everything seems to be laid out in front of you, neat and organized, like an office desk. It doesn't take long to get into, either. --- See for more details. Extra Information: Transportation: Alliance: Griffins, Deeprun Tram, Neutral Boat, Regular Dock Boats, Hippogryph Horde: Wyvern, Vampire Bats, Neutral Boat, Zeppelins Swimming - Swimming across the water takes no energy. Swimming underwater is limited, and you will drown if you stay under with out going up for some times. Giving a solution to this are specially-crafted potions, and even weapons. Mounts - If you're not a paladin or warlock, then you must buy your mount with your own earnings. A regular mount can be obtained at 40, and an epic mount can be obtained at 60. Battlegrounds - Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and more are battlegrounds. Before entering a battleground, you must wait in a queue line with other players. While in the BG, there is a certain task at hand: capture the flag is popular in the gulch, and destroying the castle is what the basin does best. You get awarded for your actions with rank gain (Through honorable kills), and points to spend toward money and experience. Talents and Abilities: Abilities are what come with levels. For just an additional fee of copper, silver or gold, you can purchase these from your class trainer to help better your stand in the world. At 10, you begin your trek into talent trees that are made of different paths. To erase your choices, there is another fee. As it's better to get it right the first time around, you should definitely consider your talent considerations beforehand. Note: If you feel anything has been left out of this review, please, send a tell via my inbox.