Blizzard has knocked one out of the park again, and the sheer depth of this game can keep you experiencing new and excit
On December 25, 2004 I received W.O.W as a gift from my brother. We both installed the game and decided to choose Human Paladin’s as our race and class. After the long install, and downloading the necessary patches, we entered Northshire Valley in Elwyn Forest. We both were simply blown away. I never played Everquest, and had no experience with an MMORGP and I was definitely skeptical, but if any company could pull off a game like this, it would be Blizzard.
There’s something to be said about a game as complex as this, being so easy to just pick up and use. Everything just seemed to be perfectly placed. Whether it be the quest menu, character info, the way you receive quest:s everything was just placed perfectly.
While the graphics may come off as a bit cartoonish, they never fail to inspire. The character models look fantastic, the monsters look great, and the casting of spells really looks magnificent. I think one of the greatest pleasures of the game is when you are traveling through a new territory and while running, you pan the camera around to see the entire lay of the land. It’s quite simply breathtaking, and it definitely makes you proud of the fact that you play video games, and that you are fortunate enough to enjoy such a great experience. My first wow moment in W.O.W was when my level five Paladin first entered Stormwind Keep. The enormity of the gates and the city itself just blew me away. I don’t know anyone who upon first entering Stormwind City didn’t feel chills as the soundtrack kicked in, and you gazed upon the keep. It was by far one of the more cool experiences I ever had in a video game.
The only problem I have with Warcraft, and it’s a minor issue is the sense of repetition within the game. It seems from level 1 on you basically come across the same types of quest. Kill X number of these things, and pick up Y number of these items. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it, and I love the back-story that goes along with such quests, but it does get repetitive. The fact that it doesn’t keep you from continuing your adventures, speaks volumes for the game designers.
So in conclusion, this game has been available for well over a year and while I took a long hiatus from play, I’m thrilled to be back. Blizzard has knocked one out of the park again, and the sheer depth of this game can keep you experiencing new and exciting quests for years to come. Thank you Blizzard!