This is the most addictive game that I've played! Because it kicks ass!

User Rating: 9 | World of Warcraft PC
You want to pay about 120$ per year and play a great Blizzard game? Then go for World Of Warcraft. This game has

Races, Class and Sides (Horde or Alliance)...check
Wepon & Armor that are awsome to look at...check
Modify your equipment...check
Build your own Spec (like in diablo 2)...check
Big Dungeons that requires 10-40 persons to get done...check

The 2 thing I hate about this game is the graphics are getting dull with the time. But lets give this game a chance cuz it's still recruiting people even if the game was release in 2004! And the second thing is that at level 70 (or 60) its a BIG freakin' routine.... farm gold and reputation...

But this game is SO addictive that I've stopped playing 2 time and guess what I've replayed! I've played for over 2 500 hours to be exact. And I'm not kidding!

-Sry readers but I got to go because I'm going to Kill Illidan with my guild XD