No More Eye Candy or I'm Gonna Get Sick
This game was released 3 years ago and the graphics are pleasing, comparing it to todays MMPORG's like Age of Conan and soon to arrive Warhammer Online its not to off.
Also the game offers alot with character customization, talent trees, sockets in a way that doesnt really matter. All classes only have one specific tree that is really viable in top end PvP. You wanna be a priest you gotta be Discipline unless you wanna get owned all day playing Shadow. You wanna play an Enhancement Shaman (Melee) have fun playing for the 1 minute your gonna be alive and it goes on.
Balance? HaHa yea right. This game is in version 2.4.2 right now and Warlocks have been overpowered since 1.4 . Pew Pew anybody? Resto Druids are just godly in 2v2 and 3v3 arena and are basically unsurpassed by any other healer. You dont beileve me take a look at the top teams in the Armory. Funny enough it seems Blizzard is not taking to much initiative to fix these balance issues , while instead they opt to take it to the competition level when its not competition ready.
Basically the Resilence system is horrid, and I dont really understand how this system killed the game but it has taken alot of feel out of the game.
If you want a PvE game and farm all day this game rocks. On the otherhand if you happen to be a PvP player have fun running around doing nothing all day in IronForge or Ogrimmar depending on Faction.