13 years have passed from my first entrance to the world of warcraft game
The game was stunning. a game with good story in past , and nice design. it was too much higher than the other games. it has started new genre that entered the world of gaming to the era of the simulated world. many things was like natural and you was sensing to be in real warcraft world.
After that . The burning crusade expansion arrived. it had good design , but it changed the world and entered the world of warcraft to more modern game. every thing became easy! before TBC you need hard work to have your first epic! and gear was general blue (rare) , but ... in TBC , you could easily take your first purple item.... the past have ruined. players with long gaming time was in same level with new players. shamans has been added to alliance and paladins has been added to horde. new races was good. but... you couldn't sense yourself in world of warcraft . some thing wasn't that right... so I abandoned the game
I have married , and had not time to play the game any more. I have heared good news about WOTLK expansion, but couldn't experience it. after almost 9-10 years , I have seen Warcraft movie. installed the game and used starter edition. it was almost before Legion. my mind was blowing! the game was so crowd... some thing wasn't right. the simplicity of classic WOW wasn't there! The was no real world PVP at all... too many races!!!! too many spells and talents! talent system was ruined. But I liked Illidin , so I have bought Legion and Started playing... new artifact weapons ruined the story! all could have DOOMHAMMER!!! OMG!!! I couldnt belive that!!! legends has been broken.. I have played the legion, it was all Raid/dungeon repeat/repeat/repeat ....... How many time? for ever!!!! in classic and TBC , it was hard to dungeon/raid.. you need to think before any move.. but in legion.. it was all hurry...
The story wasn't that bad... but after the long absence... I have seen my legends gone! Thrall was so useless!!! arthas was dead... and....
So I abandoned playing again...
Until Battle for azeroth. the trailer shown me good things , but the boyking could be acceptable! A boy as ruler... while many heroes was still alive!.
BFA came...
World PVP presented again... but not that powerfull
PVP isnt that bad... atleast better than Legion
But still... PVE is ruined! Story ends to soon. balance in PVP isnt acceptable!
And worse of that! TOO MANY BUGS...
For example. When I was gathering herbs, some one was taking aggro. so i couldn't mount/flight whistle/logout any more! it doesn't show me that I am in combat! But still I was unable. It ruined several hours of my gameplay! and the GM couldn't help me after wasting my time!

I saw a passenger there
I have asked him! He knew the problem and the cause!!! While blizzard Team couldnt answer me for long time!

It is not the only bug!
Falling accidentally from flight to nowhere and dying!
World quests that disappear when you are trying to do them and appear when you go to some place!
Mounting problems...
Addons that are ruining the AH
and many more...
And still the repeat of dungeon/raids...
As my final opinion..
the Game is ruined!
Why? Blizzard spent to create the classic world of warcraft. you should spend many time untill last level, in many dungeons and many areas with many quest! that world was large...
But for example The world of BFA is only two little continents! you have no need to go to ashenvale and play there! level up is fast! the story is ruined...
So this new world only seems to be larger! The real new world is To small, that ends soon! and you shall experience a repeating story for ever... Until you pay some additional fee (addition to time price) and buy new buggy expansion! in fact . heroes of the storm and Overwatch are more engaging!
So I suggest you not to buy BFA. maybe blizzard finds that the game isn't what it must be! Maybe they think more to create better game! and dont release it before thinking, planning and testing! to respect their fans and respect their stories!!!