An outstanding game, perfect for a veteran of the genre and rookies alike.

User Rating: 9.4 | World of Warcraft PC
Before I begin, I have to admit something. I have never been a fan of the MMORPG genre. I attempted to dabble in it way back in the day but the games out simply did not interest me. However, I felt World of Warcraft was at least worth giving a shot and I am glad that I did. While my feelings towards the genre have not completely changed, let’s just say World of Warcraft has softened my heart on the genre. This is a very well done game which makes the lands of Azeroth come alive and for once, a game feels like another world onto itself. One does not feel like just a player observing the world but rather that you are a part of this world. That is a rare game indeed if it can make me feel that way and that is one of many reason I enjoy WoW. Perhaps another reason is that it is artistically beautiful. I’ve spent hours running through the game’s world just wanting to see new locales and races. I’ve been able to watch the beauty of the real time sunrise and sunset in the game and watch the moon shine over the ocean. These are little things but they help make the game world come alive in big ways. The environments are diverse and the world is huge. That’s not overstating it either. You can spend 10 minutes running a section of map and you will have only seen 5% of the continent you are on. The world is big…take my word on it. On top of that, the world is seamless. There is rarely a load screen and I’ve only seen one when teleporting or going to another continent. The amount of world rendered and then kept seamless is a great feat and helps to immerse the player into the world even more. Faction cities have a beauty of their own, even the home of the undead Forsaken. Character animations, for the most part, are fluid and combat actually looks like combat, not tag. Thanks to this, it gives the game a more action oriented feel and makes you want to seek out NPC’s and other players to test your skills on. From the environments to the characters, WoW is a visual treat and clearly, a lot of work went into the design. You’ll spend hours on this game questing, collecting, leveling and running around the world. Fortunately, you may never really notice the grind because it doesn’t feel like a pain to do what you are doing. Questing and collecting actually feels more like fun than work, even when it’s a hard quest, and you can even sell things that you acquire in your quest to other players directly or put it in an Auction House. You can even mail things to them using the game’s mailing system. You will die in this game, perhaps, a lot, but the only inconvience you get from it is having to run your ghost back to your body. You don’t lose your equipment although you may need to repair it occasionally. This helps the game feel less burdensome and you don’t feel like you are being punishment, more like pushed to do better next time. The interface is very friendly and even a rookie player can get right into the game and not really feel completely lost on what button to push. The game is easy to get into but complex enough to stay with to the highest level and beyond. Another great thing is player vs. player combat. On the Normal servers, this combat is consensual so unless you do certain things, you don’t have to fight anyone…if just questing is your bag. However, on player vs. player server, you will be attacked and you have to fight. You may die a lot but as you gain levels and skills, you will be able to get back whoever beat you down one day…hopefully. The game has not bored me yet and I have even made an alternate character in a different Faction to see what the other side is like. Sound wise, the game is strong. The music is fitting for the game style and each song fits its individual environments well. The ambient sound comes through nice and clear, portraying a real sense of life (or lack thereof) in the world. Also, combat sounds are crisp and when you fight, it sounds like a fight. It does not sound dulled out and can even add to the excitement, as it should. I would have like to have seen some voice acting done when receiving a quest but I am content with reading the text for the most part. They aren’t long at all. I honestly have not touched on a vast amount on things you can do in World of Warcraft. I would rather the reader find out on their own. I’m just conveying how I feel about it. To me, it is simply a superb game and it is rare thing for me to think that. You get a one month free trail when you buy the game so if you get it, you have a while to see if you like it. But as for me, I am enjoying it immensely. From playing with friends in my guild to romping around the world solo taking in sites, the game is gorgeous and feels alive. Player vs. Player combat adds even more fun to it for all the action buffs out there and if you are just a quest type, that is here in all its glory for you. This is a superb game for its genre and worth checking out. For more in depth details, make sure you check out Gamespot’s review, they will touch on much more about the game.