Why do so many people play this game?

User Rating: 5.9 | World of Warcraft PC
Well the reason so many people play this game is because its addicting. Sure at first it seems cool but then your just trying to get to a high level doing the same quests over and over again. These quests only have slight differences. This games like nicotine, you don't actually like it and its bad for you but your addicted. Same with this game, and they are charging you to waste your time so its basically like nicotine. Theres no real reward for getting up to a really high level anyway. And with games like these its annoying because someone can kill u in one shot that is absolutely terrible at video games even if you are a really really good gamer. The way you get skill in this game is by spending your time on it. So if you have a lot of time you can get really good. But if you don't have a lot of time to play its pointless. Thats what it all comes down too, who has more time to play. But enough of that time to talk about the game itself.


Very addicting, but the quests are recycled making gameplay very boring. Enemies give you barley any xp making quests the only real way to get xp and level up fast. So the gameplay pretty much comes down to just doing a ton of recycled quests, that are just plain boring. And even though they put a ton of things to do in the game like fishing, cooking and things like that, a lot of these things have the same animation.


For the time the game came out they wernt that bad the cartoony look is actually a good one for wow in my opinion.


A lot of the sounds are recycled which is very annoying hearing the same sound over and over again even though your doing different things. The background music when you go to some places is pretty good though.


paying for the game and paying monthly is deffiently not worth it. really if your going to charge people $20 a month canadian to play this game then at least don't use recycled sounds and quests. and make a better combat system.