A review of a high leveld player.

User Rating: 9.5 | World of Warcraft PC
So, World of Warcraft, WoW for lazy ones, is an amazing game. from level 1 to level 60, this game is fun. Like any other MMOs, at the beginning this game does not have many thing to offer, only few skills and quite boring quests. After u wil get to level 20, this game will start to be more interesting. Why? Instances. as u might know, this game as a thing u wont see in other games, Instances. What's an instance? well if u played CoH, its like an In-Doors mission, if u not, its like this. You and your party has their own zone to do cool quests. instances look realy cool inside. My favorite is Gnomergan, just because its really cool. The graphics are great and colorful. The music is awesome, but i wont rate it 10, cuz FFXI and FF games always had and has an amazing music. Game play is fast, realy fast. u need good strategy and u need to know how to use ur skills in a good way against each class. its realy important, ur battle plan against a rogue will be diffrent than battle plan against a mage. This game actually has alot to offer when it get to PvP. U can meet other faction players quite easily almost anywhere when u get to 30+. The best way to PvP is to go to a Battleground. One of the battlegrounds is Warsong Gulch, wher 10 Allliance plater fight 10 Horde players till death. each faction needs to catche the enemy factions's flag three times to win. capture the flag, WoW style. for more information about Battlegrounds, go to www.woldofwarcraft.com. This game is good for a starting game, and good for Old school-EQ-Payers.