One of the best... if not THE best MMORPG ever created. Amazing Storyline and races, make it a game not to be missed.
User Rating: 9.5 | World of Warcraft PC
Blizzard, the creators of World of Warcraft, have been creating the warcraft series for years before the actual mmorpg version was created. It has an amazing storyline behind it, to hold everything together and make it seem like YOUR part of it. World of Warcraft is simply THE best mmorpg ever created. It combines races, classes, worlds, and all the cool aspects of an mmorpg together to make a whole new realm or genre of mmorpg. World of Warcraft is actually SO good, it should be in a genre of its own... The TRYTHISGAMEOUTNOW genre :D But less about that... time for the review ^_^ Gameplay - 10 / 10 There are loads of things for you to do in the cool world of... World of Warcraft :D Saying that its not a game you need to play for 10 hours a day to actually get somewhere. Its a casual game for casual gamers. You can fight monsters and other 'beings' for a little while and go to the nearest 'inn' or somewhere to chill out with all the cool players in the game. The thing that struck me the most in the gameplay aspect was the depth in the game. It goes so far into things... It can get a little complex ill admit, but in the end you'll learn how to do things and interact in a world with other cool characters. Another good aspect of world of warcraft is the roleplaying. There are two realms (servers) in europe, that are specifically built for roleplaying, and in my oppinion it makes the game even better! Graphics - 8 / 10 The graphics in the game, are somewhat of a let down... Im usually the person that wouldn't really like the game if it didnt have cool graphics, but this game has sketchy, cartoony graphics... It can get a little annoying but it grew and grew on me, and it really looks cool. Each weapon, armour etc has a different colour or graphic that amazes you in every way possible. Sound - 9 / 10 The sound in game is excellent. Everytime you enter a new area in the game, a new little piece of music sounds. It all fits in the mood of the scenery and creates a cool surronding. When you attack something, it sounds like it actually happened. There are also some very funny emotes that your character can do, and in every race there are different sounds. Value - 9 / 10 This game is becomming more and more popular. It was so popular in Europe that it sold out within a few weeks. Unfortunatly it took a long time to get more stock, so Blizzard lost out on that, but in the end more and more people are playing the game, and the world is creating itself. Every day within every week, there is a maintainence hold where the programmers maintain the realms (servers), and normally every 2 or so weeks there is a new patch out with new content included. Overall - 9.5 / 10 - Superb Overall this is a game that everyone NEEDS to play at some point. I just hope that Blizzard make a demo period so everyone can try it out and see for yourselves how much depth this game has. It grows every month and is becoming a game for the history books! Thanks for reading, Marky