Awesome game,but too ADDICTive and can ruin lives,plz read on to find out why

User Rating: 9.3 | World of Warcraft PC
I got WoW about 1.5 years ago now and hav recently stopped playing it.Dont get me wrong it is a awesome game,and probally the best game i hav ever played but there are many complications in this game and the main one is that ITS TOO ADDICTIVE.You will start of by saying ,oh ill -play 2 hours a day and all i want is lvl 60, when u reach 60 u will then say all ill want is blue armour and then u will say i want epics and so on.The thing is even when u get epics in this game it was obvious that after a month or 2 they will be out of date by even better epics like tier 3 etc.And as u probally now this game is very time consuming,i suggest if u want this game u make sure u hardly go out and dont hav a girlfriend as it will ruin all that as the amount of time you hav to spend on the game is utterly ridiculous.High level dugeons like BWL etc u will see yourself doing 5 hours a night maybe more.However i never went pve i choose pvp and that maybe is more time consuming than pve mainly cus u hav to complete with other players for the right standing to move up ure rank.On my mage i eventually got Marshal and then stopped playing mainly due that at the time i had RSI as i was playing the game for like 13 hours a day everyday for about 3 months.I mainly played this much as it was required to reach the rank Marshal,and after i quit i realised how much time i wasted speding 13 hours a day trying to get good gear on a game?!am i that sad!? and yes i was ,but mainly because of how addictive the game is and how it can ruin lives.

I had 3 lvl 60's a hunter,mage and shaman.Dont get me wrong WoW is a awesome game in nearly every aspect from graphics to gameplay,but in the long term it becomes too addictive and is only really for the hardcore gamer(which i am now but wasnt when i started)as this game isnt really based on skill but gear and is someone has ten times better gear than u its obvious that they would win.It also can end realtionships and ruin lives,mess ure exam grades up etc.So plz think about these thiungs before buying the game.