Wonderful: Just what you expect from a MMORPG

User Rating: 9.9 | World of Warcraft PC
I've been seeing negative feedback on this game in the community reviews. I don't think it is because they don't like the game. It is because they have never played it, they are Everquest fanboys, or either they are jealous of the people who own it. The one thing people complain a lot it about the graphics. I can agree that it isn't a Doom 3 graphic engine or anything, but think of this: The game would lag like hell if it did on lower end computers. I kind of like the fantasy graphics anyway. It gives you an awe about it. The only way the graphics look bad is if you have it all the way on low, but they still look pretty decent. I like the graphics like that because I can play it on my laptop, which is an office laptop. The gameplay is a major plus. I got the trial version of the game in a PC Gamer magazine recently, and I liked it so much that I went out and bought it, not even caring if it had a subscription fee or not. It's worth it. I really like the community too. The only time you get called a noob is if you start to act up or make fun of someone. The sound is great too, unless you are using speakers from 1980 or else you don't even have any. This is a must buy for any RPG, Multiplayer, or straight out Medieval-fantasy fan. If you liked Blizzard's titles like Diablo and Warcraft, or even the Lord of the Rings, then you will love it.