World of Warcrack!!!!!!
Once you pick it up, you'll never be able to put it down. The graphics aren't too good but they don't have to be, sound inst all that, but it doesn't have to be, the physics aren't the best, BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE!!!!!!!!!
The game is just so fun that you dont need the great physics and inovative graphics!!! you can play it on a junk PC just as good as a VooDoo!!!!! **WARNING** If you have a very social life and dont have much free time, DONT GET THIS GAME!!!!! You'll make time to get your epic mount or lvl up one last time before finally sleeping!!!!
I've actually tried to quit this game five times now, but like trying to stop smoking... IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!
World of Warcrack will rule your life!!!!!!!