The expansion to the best selling MMORPG in the world, it better be good. Don't worry, it doesn't disappoint.

User Rating: 9.5 | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade PC
The Burning Crusade's makers/developers had a ton of pressure on their hands when making this title. They had to come up with a game that not only had the highest expectations maybe of any other, but they had to come up with a new idea to the best selling game ever. Instead of the "Don't fix what aint broke" philosophy, they went with "How can we make this better?"

First off, I'm no game creator of any sort, I just play casually. I know nothing about creating a game, but I do understand how difficult it is to make a sequel to something popular. Most sequels whether they be movies or games just don't compare with the original. (Examples: Indiana Jones--the newest one Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, sucked. Jurassic Park--no matter how many times they try, they just can't beat the first one). However, some people are good at it (Zelda, James Bond, etc.). Coming up with new ideas to a game whose story is already in place and loved is very difficult. You must improve the things the current players don't like and bring in new ideas and challenges to get new players to come in without upsetting the veteran players or the game's delicate balancing act. (By balancing act I mean not letting one or two paths control the game by how powerful they are). So, my hat's off to the creators of this game.

All-in-all, this game is fantastic. Great new world. Really cool looking worlds filled with extremely dangerous bosses and hard to beat elites. Quests get harder and longer. The experience points necessary to level up get much higher. That's actually something I didn't like. I know it makes it more of a challenge, but for the not-so-serious gamers, it nearly makes you want to quit.

Quick overview of game:
Basically you go through an "unknown" portal into the Outlands to explore this new world, but we all know it's to get awesome gear and the coveted level 70. The game almost turns into a hard grinder from level 65 on, which gets really annoying. Don't get addicted.

Have fun playing!