Like Pringles - Once you maim you're first boar, you can't stop!

User Rating: 10 | World of Warcraft PC
There may have been, and most probably will be, a gaming moment in you're life that you can compare to only the rarest, unwordly and most amazing phenomenons that this kind Earth offers.

World of Warcraft is one of them.

Step into the world of Azeroth, and your sealing the deal - you've just sold your spare time to Blizzard.

But seriously, anyone, and I mean anyone, could enjoy this game. MMORPG have the stereotype of attracting lifes dregs. Lifes losers. But why? Gaming is for everyone! And if ever there was a game for everyone it is this!

Overrated? No.

It is difficult to describe what goes through your head as you are levelling your first character in World of Warcraft. You'll find yourself drifting off at work, school or college, thinking about 'that quest you need to hand in' or 'that item you need to put on the Auction House'.

It is actually difficult to extracate yourself from the gaming environment and get on with your life sometimes. Not all the time. I'm not suggesting that this game eats up you're entire existence, but for the first 6 months of playing, it goes without saying: the vitals are eating, drinking, sleeping and playing World of Warcraft.

In any other situation a Psychiatrist may be in order, but with WoW its completely normal.

You can potentially get years of fun out of this game and if you consider yourself a true gamer, this really is the pinnacle of gaming at the moment.

So gamers everywhere - put down your control pads, take off your headsets, leave your consoles and claim your computer chair as your throne - the PC as your queen.

For the time you play this, nothing else matters.

"I don't play MMORPG games - they're not for me!" I hear you say.

Not yet you don't, but buy this game and I promise you, you'll find a part of yourself that you never knew existed.

But in all seriousness. This game is brilliant for anyone, any age. Words can't describe how good this game is.

I know, this isn't really a review. Its more like a chronicalling of its existence. Its the voice of so many. This pseudo-review is what many are dying to say but never have.

And let it pursuade you, to give it a try.

Embark upon the Epic Odyssey that is WoW!

So what to score it, what to score it, what to score.

I think any game that deserves my time and effort to construct a masterpiece of literature simply to accentuate its excellence is worthy of no less... a 10 through and through - and 1 of the only 10's I can ever give to a game without feeling like a sell out.

Luke Thomas