One of the best games i think for the computer today

User Rating: 9.8 | World of Warcraft PC
World of Warcraft (wow) is easily one of the best games for the pc ever the depth of the game is intense u feel like there is a whole different panet in here. Only thing i would change is the pricey subsribtion. WoW brings you and teaches you the trade easly this game has one of the easiest learning curves. I think if u can play pokemon on the games boy color u can play this. But ppl this is way more that just an evolved pokemon game depending on what graphics card your are using this can be a real life expeirence. With 4 characters to start with in either the Horde or Alliaince youll have choice tp pick about everything to make your own character wat u want it to be. And the level or places are magnificent and beautifiul. I definitely reccomend thig game.