Best game ever, but...

User Rating: 9.4 | World of Warcraft PC
This game, I have to to say, is made pretty detailed and great. The graphics, the music, the gameplay, the idea are all superb. There are many choice in characters in this game and is pretty highly addictive. There are unlimited missions because new missions are added into the game everyday. There are even special events during festivals like Halloween, Christmas, even Valentimes! There are also a variety of gears to choose to equip on your character (Human, Ork, Elf... 8 in all I think). Moreover, better than Diablo, not only that you can pick what nation you want to be, you can even pick what career you want-for example, hunter, warrior... Next, after you pick what career you want to be, there are more careers to choose in the game. You can choose to be a black smith, medic... For me, I love the part where you choose male or female. All female characters in this game have big boobs that I always admire... Gulty pleasure, I think... The only thing bad about this game is that it lags a lot and that you have to pay for it. It lags, because it is very popular. It is okay to pay, but...the map is huge, you'll waste time to walk from one place to another (waste money too.). Also, I find it pretty amusing to sit in front of another players corpes and type in LOL. Overall, this game is wondeful, and I strongly recommend everyone to buy this game. BLIZZARD never dissapoints you!