Ok, so if your thinking about playing World of Warcraft don't do it. This game will take over your mind, body, and soul. One day I went over to my friend's house and he said "Check out this new game I got for my computer." I created an orc warrior on his account and played it for about an hour or so. After that the addiction just got stronger. Next thing I know I'm at my house installing my own copy. I wasted countless hours of my life playing this stupid game. Most of the time is spent grinding. You basically do the same thing over and over again with no end in sight. I know that that sounds boring and believe me after a while I really wanted to stop but I couldn't. I just had to keep playing. I had to make my characters better by leveling and improving their gear. So there I am doing the same mundane tasks over and over again, wishing I could just stop when I finally realized something. This game is a completely worthless waste of my life. I've thought this before but this time it actually sunk in. Why should I play this game? To make my characters better. But what do u get when you do this? Absolutely nothing. Sure you'll have a lvl 70 with all epic gear that is totally bada**, but who cares? Nobody. And the amount of time spent to do this is absolutely mind blowing. If people devoted this much time and dedication to something more constructive then they could improve their own quality of life. Who cares about some avatar that lives in a virtual world. The diehard junkies will completely disagree with me but most alcoholics will tell you that they don't have a problem either. They'll say that they are completely under control and I just didn't play the game right or some bs. I have plenty of friends that are still warcraftaholics and its just a shame. Heck some of them I even recruited myself (which I feel horrible about). They spend every waking moment playing this horrible game. I never see them unless I go over to there house and when I'm there they just play this game the whole time barely even talking to me. Who am I to tell people how to spend their free time but this game has actually ruined lives. Thankfully my eyes where opened to the evilness of this game and I was freed from its devilish grasp. If you are someone that wouldn't mind having your life controlled by a video game and feel like playing the greatest game of all time only to be sucked in to its addictiveness then go for it. Don't say that you weren't warned. Personally, I'm just gonna stick with regular less addictive, less evil games. That way I can still enjoy gaming along with other aspects of my life. I'm gonna level up the most important character, Myself.
I played WoW for much of a year and during that time I didn't do much else. After I emerged from the bottomless void, I realized that the engrossing nature of the game is both its greatest strength and its greatest weakn... Read Full Review
There isn't much to say that hasn't already been said. So I won't say it again - however, WoW is a very overrated game. It's hailed as "innovative" and "revolutionary", but the only way in which it is... Read Full Review