world of warcraft is for the moderate and the hardcore gamer.

User Rating: 9.3 | World of Warcraft PC
this game goes as fast as you want it. you can lvl up your main character to the max lvl in a month or two, or you can lvl up 20 alts to lvl 40 in 2 months, this game lets you choose how fast you want to go or not to go. the game (unlike many others) rewards you from taking a break from playing it. if you log out in certin areas, the next time you log on, you exp you earn will multiply by 2 for a certian time. this makes leaving for a family function actully not that heart breaking. the game play is awesome, so many things to do and so many different servers to choose from. i personaly have a lvl 60 hunter and working on a mage right now. i also have so pretty good armor on my characters without camping mobs that take 4 hours to spawn ( cough cough FFXI). World of Warcraft will completely change your on look of MMORPG's forever. i give it a 7 out of 7.