User Rating: 10 | World of Warcraft PC
First of all for the 5 people out there who have been living under a rock and do not know about WOW, get a computer, install the game, and join in all the fun. This game has got to be the best of the best in terms of multilayer. You can play as the Alliance (Human, Night Elf, Gnome, Dwarf) or the Horde (Orc, undead, troll, tauren). Once you spend all your time customizing your player, get ready to enter the biggest world you have ever seen in a video game. The best part, only one quick loading screen, and you will be able to move seamlessly from one area to another, anywhere on the entire continent. the only exception to the loading screens is dungeons and going from one continent to the other, but those screens are even faster. First off, let me dispel the rumors about WOW. One that i hear alot is that it is a grinding game, or that is is a questing game. Both views are wrong, because you can choose to grind or quest, you are not forced to do one or the other. Second rumor is that it is highly addictive. For some people this might be true, but for me, i usually don't play more than a couple hours a day at most. Some days i don't even play. This is not to say the game isn't awesome, because it most definitely is. It is also a fairly good looking game as well, though far from top of the line graphics. This is also a fun game to play with some of your friends from the outside. I've done it alot and i always found it most entertaining. I cant possibly tell you all the good things about this game, you just have to play it for yourself.