Best Game. Ever.

User Rating: 9.9 | World of Warcraft PC
Before I quit from addiction, this was the best game I had ever played. There are infinite paths to take, from all the races and classes to all the guilds and all the instances, there is no game I have played that even compares to this. People complain a lot from too much of a grind, but what game isn't. This game has everything. I knew what it felt like to have **** gear, to having full tier 2. From going from devout, to prophecy, to transcendence, it was fun the whole way. (I was a priest in a Naxxramus guild). The end-game is very fun, and so are the other options for playing. But, many quit from addiction. I would spent 8+ hours a day on it, and it ruined my life. But if I could play one game for the rest of my life, it would be this one for sure.