i poke badgers with spoons

User Rating: 10 | World of Warcraft PC
this has to be the best online game there is nothing wrong at all u will waste meany meany hours of your life playing it works great on most computers there is just so much to do and it keep u coming back for more and more and more!
theres is only one down side u have 2 pay 4 it
still the raids the battles the life the guilds is all great
if u like any type of online game u will love this or if u just like rpgs u will love it or just a loner who needs 2 talk 2 meany meany ppl
u really feel like u r a small part of a huge war that has been going on for meany meany years what i found cool was that the other army eg the horde will attack your citys and u can do the same 2 them i may not be the best player but no matter how crap u r you will still kick ass