This game is amazing
That where the first words i heard, when you see the intro movie you see directly that this must be a great game. World of Warcraft takes you on adventure within the world of Azeroth and the World of Azeroth is Amazing and HUGE!!!! so you have plenty of hours to spend. The game takes place ten years after Warcraft III RTS serie and let you be a Night Elf, Orc, Human, Troll, Tauren, Dwarf, Gnome, Undead each one of the races has special things such as the undead, Shadowdamage is much lower then other races and Night elf has the abilitie of shadowmelt that says that they cannot be seen until they are moving. But you must also choose which one. Will you become a Warrior or a Hunter and will you be in The Alliance (Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf) or Horde (Orc, Undead, Troll, Tauren) you got the following classes to choose from and which race this classes got: Warrior all Races
Hunter Dwarf, Night Elf, Tauren, Orc, Troll
Paladin Dwarf, Human
Mage Human, Gnome, Dwarf, Troll, Undead
Priest Dwarf, Human, Night Elf, Troll, Undead
Druide Tauren, Night Elf
Warlock Gnome, Human, Orc, Undead
Rogue Orc, Troll, Undead, Dwarf, Human, Gnome, Night Elf
When you create you Hero and given it a name than you can begin in the world. You begin in a zone that is called a Newbie Zone, that is a zone where you first start your character and take your first quest, in the begining it is very easy but later in the game is it very hard but when you grow in lvl it will becoming easy, or you can invite somebody to help you with a sertain quest.
You can also learn a sertain proffesion, suchs as Blacksmithing but then you must also have learned mining because you need iron, copper to creat armor. You can also can learn skinning to make leather armors. Professions are important things to upgrade or creat armor or posions or special weapons to trade with or to fight with.
The World is so big, you can walk the whole way but there are also flightpaths and ships to make traveling a lot easier. The world is split in two on side is Kalimdor and on the other side are The Eastern Kingdoms. Kalimdor is Horde territory there are also Alliance territories so don't be afraid and on the Eastern Kingdoms is Alliance Territory but there are also Horde Territories.
There is much to tell about this game but that must you find out for yourselve
The Good: Huge, Social witch other players, Well Balanced, hours of play time
The Bad: You must pay to play this game online 25 or 30 $ in the two months.