If you are just getting into world of warcraft, dont even bother with this yet, but if your getting BACK into it........
User Rating: 9.5 | World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PC
This is an expansion that is only for higher level players and those who have played the game. If you dont have a Level 55 or higher character in this game, you wont get anything out of it. Yet, if you do have a Level 55 or higher character, then this is a MUST BUY for any world of warcraft fan. You will most likely want to make your Death Knight character right away because of its unique starting area and level of 55. The death knight is a great installment to the game as it is a paladin like class that has gone all BAD @SS. The death knight will summon armies of ghouls to fight by your side, suck enemies into their grasp, and heal themeselves by pwning others. Yet, once your done with the Death Knight starting area, you will quickly be thrown back into the Outlands and the Outlands gear. Its funny how the starting zone gear for the death knights can look like high end level 80 raiding gear, yet be decent level 60 raiding gear. Once you get tired of the Outlands grind you can make your way to Northrend at level 68. The quests in Northrend are much more exciting and unique then those of Outland or Azeroth, and sometimes require you to kill hundreds of enemes while driving tanks into infested areas of enemies. It really doesnt take that long to get to level 80, as quests seem to pretty rewarding in their xp. The only problem I have had with quests is running out of them. Once i hit about level 78-79, I had trouble finding quests in Northrend, and ended up having to run instances queit frequently which was kind of dissapointing as it is not quicker that questing. This wasnt an all bad thing as it allowed for me to really experience all of the dungeons available in WOTLK. Unfortunetly when you hit level 80, there really isnt anything great that you get besides new abilities. It would have been nice if they came out with a new level 80 mount, or level 80 only power/ablity. So once you hit level 80 it will feel alot like Burning Crusade in the sence that your back to PVP and PVE content, and trying to get through it. The best part about this game is surprisingly the grind to level 80, and experiencing all the great new quests.
Oh ya, one more thing...FOR THE HORDE!